Category Masters

The Rule of Four

silhouette rowing eight held by 8 rowers in sunrise

You bag your warm up and jump straight to the hard strokes. Next you conveniently forget your post-row stretch. Cutting training corners may be tempting when you are in a rush but in the long run it won’t pay. Even…

Build up to race pace

rowing eights, masters rowing new zealand,

Looking for the right training recipe to boost your results this year? Race pace workouts are a key ingredient for boat speed. Your conditioning is going to improve through the season. In the early weeks develop a solid base of…

Rowing Detective…. 1920s rower

This picture was sent to the St Georges R C web site with the question ….. “Is this a St Georges rower, and what can you tell me about this person”. The photo was a copy of the original which…

Advice to the new sculler

woman 1x, masters rowing regatta,

Missing buoys, steering off course, falling out of your boat, being late to the start, rushing the slide, or stopping too soon before the finish line are only a few of those rookie mistakes common to the new competitive sculler. …

Recovery for Masters

rowing picnic

Just as pushing your bow across the line for the first time in the 50+ age category signifies entering a mature phase of your rowing career it may also mark new adventures in maintaining equilibrium in your training schedule. Masters…

South Island Masters regatta report

South Island Masters regatta, 4–5 June Masters rowers enjoyed sunshine and mirror-like conditions on the Taieri River and Lake Waihola at the South Island Masters at Queen’s Birthday. Some 220 competitors attended from as far afield as Auckland and Bluff,…

Rowing Touring German Style

by Jude Ellis In mid-2020 I took up an opportunity to live and work in Bonn, Germany which is located on the Rhine River about 30 km south of Cologne.  One of the first things I did on arrival was…