Category Coaching

Whanganui Masters Camp 2025

Man and woman in rowing coaching launch.

Following our plan to offer regular masters rowing camps, The Legion is hosting a camp on 5-6th April 2025 hosted by Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Club. Lead coach is Chris Jones who also coached on our August camp last year. He’s…

Pick your crews

Picking your crew lineups for regatta is a delicate task for Masters group organisers and coaches. There are so many potentially “touchy” topics. Rather than present a vanilla approach, I thought it would give insight if I share the process…

The Hazard Point

five men in a rowing boat.

Stroking out of your comfort zone is a must to reach higher limits as an athlete and there is no better place to execute than on the race course.  Until you have tried something beyond your competence or skill, you…

Self-coaching drills

A coach’s eye on your blade keeps technical crabs at bay during an outing. But if you’re out alone you need a way to self-coach. As a part of your daily warm-up choose a drill that gives you clear feedback…

Scoring Burnout

Rowing boat on water, masters rowing crew, boat with river and high white clouds,

When you are in the groove and the boat is in stealth mode, you dial into your mission and rise to the challenge. Whether in practice or on the race course if you are “on” thoughts of failure get no…

Peak Your Technique

south Island rowing, nz rowing, masters rowing,

Converting those erg watts to more boat meters per second demands a plan. Get more out of your stroke without more time on the water.  Today we are going to show you how to sync your technical focus with your…

Feather Away

Quiet refined bladework is the signature of a skilled oarsman. Turbulence and splashing at the tip of your oar sends a big hit of drag to your boat speed. The standard of your feathering motion may not be at the…

Rewarding coaching masters

I spend a lot of my time coaching. During the school season that’s mostly school crews but off season and when time allows I like coaching masters.  What do Masters bring that makes coaching them so rewarding? Increasingly the masters…

Advice to the new sculler

woman 1x, masters rowing regatta,

Missing buoys, steering off course, falling out of your boat, being late to the start, rushing the slide, or stopping too soon before the finish line are only a few of those rookie mistakes common to the new competitive sculler. …

Self coaching drills

A coach’s eye on your blade keeps technical crabs at bay during a practice. But if you’re out alone you need a way to self-coach. As a part of your daily warm-up choose a drill that gives you clear feedback…

Recovery for Masters

rowing picnic

Just as pushing your bow across the line for the first time in the 50+ age category signifies entering a mature phase of your rowing career it may also mark new adventures in maintaining equilibrium in your training schedule. Masters…

Technique makes my brain hurt!

When coaching masters, I often find that they over-think the coaching instructions they receive.  This can be tested by asking the athletes to “think about nothing” for ten strokes and then to take 10 strokes thinking about a technical point.…